Monday, February 20, 2012

Ch. 4 The Marketing Environment for Apple Inc.

Apple targets a general group of people. Everyone and anyone Apple feels there is a product for you. Like it says on their website "which Mac is for you?". Apple attracts all types of generations thanks to their iPods for musical entertainment. Their iPhone and iPad and Mac's attract the typical teenager, student, adult, worker group. The only thing is the cost of the products. Apple Inc. knows they have a product that's better and high in demand so they charge it. Which limits the group of people financially who could afford Apple products. Due to the pricing you would think that it would be among the middle class and above group of people who normally could afford such products. Back when the iPad came out there were people willing to pay a premium for it. But for PC users (picture above) where the technology generally cost less than Apple products weren't willing to do the same. But even with that Apple is made for everyone and to be used for every type of way. It even makes a concentrated effort to work with students. "A Mac lets students create amazing things"

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