Monday, February 20, 2012

Ch.3 Ethics and Social Responsibility for Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. reveals their carbon footprint and shows how they make changes with their packaging and recycling and processes to help the environment as part of their social responsibility. For the year 2011 Apple Inc. was responsible for 23.1 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. But 98% of that was from the product life cycle's such as manufacturing and transportation. 2% came from the actual facilities.

One of Apple Inc. main efforts for the environment is to provide products without toxic materials. The fact that Apple Inc. has accomplished this has put them years ahead of the competition.
Apple also wants to reduce the burden of transportation by using smaller packaging. By making the iPhone package 40% smaller then the original packaging in 2007 it allows more packages to ship and use less ships,planes to ship them.
Apple Inc. also works on energy efficiency with their products. Every single product from apple emits 1/4th of CO2 emissions that a regular light bulb emits. Also Apple is the only company that has every single product meets the Energy Star Qualification. There is a link on the Apple Inc. website that shows more about energy efficiency.

Apple has an environmental FAQS page.
Apple has an recycling program.
Apple has an Supplier Responsibility page.

Apple also supplies the public with a report about their products and their products.

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